Örnek Tercümeler 3
İstiklal Marşı
I. Atatürk's Address to the Turkish Youth Young Turkish People!
It is your first duty to protect and to defend the independence of Turkey and the Turkish Republic.
It is the very reason for your existance and future. It is the most valuable asset in ensuring your security. There may in future be enemies from within or outside who will want to rob you of this asset. If one day you are forced to defend the republic and its independence then you must do so without considering the consequences or laying down unacceptable preconditions. It might be that those who endeavour to end the republic and your independence have been victorious throughout the world. It could also be that the strongholds of your fatherland be captured by cunning and violence, shipyards occupied, armies defeated and the enemy have invaded the whole country. Even worse however, might be a situation in which those who hold power in your fatherland are careless, who lead in the wrong direction or even betray the country. It is also possible that those in power may profit from the enemies' intention. The nation may be exhausted and have collapse in misery and poverty
Young people and the future of Turkey! Even under these circumstances it will be your duty to save the Turkish Republic and its independence.
The power you need to do it with is to be found in your noble blood.
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
(20th October 1927)
(S. Eris Ülger, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk II, Verlag Anadolu,1994
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